[My Notes $]

How to Install NVIDIA Kernel & GLX tar.gz under Mandrake 8.0
01. Go to www.nvidia.com and download your specific tar.gz Kernel & GLX drivers (note: in tar.gz form)
*** Don't use the RPM - they are kernel compiled specific
02. Using bash tar -zxvf both tar.gz files
03. Logout of Xwindows if you're in it and change to SU
04. Cd to newly created NVIDIA_kernelxxxxxxxxxxxx directory
05. type "make"
06. Repeat steps 4 and 5 execpt with the GLX directory instead
07. Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 using emacs/mcedit/vi (see below)
*** If you don't have X86 4.0.1 um........rtfm ok
08. Add Line -> Load "glx" below Load "dbe"
09. Under [Display] section change "nv" to "nvidia"
10. Save and Startx

--------- 9 characters long
1st 3 = owner permissions
2nd 3 = group permissions
3rd 3 = other access permissions

Numerical Access Mode Values

Value + Meaning
0 ---
1 --x
2 -w-
3 -wx
4 r--
5 r-x
6 rw-
7 rwx

Emacs Reference
Tutorials > Emacs Reference Card

Aborting or Undoing

Moving the cursor

Saving your work

Exiting from Emacs

Suspending and resuming Emacs

How to avoid overflow lines

Repeating Commands

Deleting Text

Cutting, Pasting, Undoing, Killing & Yanking

Search & Replace

Editing and Viewing multiple buffers

Transposing Text

Including files


Getting help

Aborting or Undoing

ctrl-g - Cancels a command that you have started typing but which you have decided that you
do not want to execute.
ctrl-l - Refreshes the screen.
ctrl-x U - Undo.
ctrl-_ - Same as ctrl-x.

Moving the cursor

ctrl-p - Go to the previous line.
ctrl-n - Go to the next line.
ESC-v - Moves to the previous screen.
ctrl-v - Go to the next page/screenful of text.
ctrl-b - Move backwards one character.
ctrl-f - Move forward one character.
ESC-b - Move backwards one word.
ESC-f - Move forward one word.
ctrl-a - Go to the beginning of the line.
ctrl-e - Go to the end of the line.
ESC-a - Moves to the beginning of the sentence.
ESC-e - Moves to the end of the sentence.
ESC-[ - Moves to the beginning of the paragraph.
ESC-] - Moves to the end of the paragraph.
ESC-< - Moves to the beginning of the buffer (file).
ESC-> - Moves to the end of the buffer (file).

Saving your work

ctrl-x ctrl-s - Saves the current buffer using the buffer name as the name of the file.
ctrl-x ctrl-w file - Saves the current buffer into the file name file.
Emacs by default auto saves your work in certain intervals. How ever you can change that option:
ESC-x auto-save - Will turn auto-save on and off.

Exiting from Emacs

ctrl-x ctrl-s - Exit Emacs. If you have unsaved work you will be asked what ever you want to save it.

Suspending and resuming Emacs

ctrl-z - Suspend Emacs (and if you are on text mode it will give you back the prompt. if you
are on X windows it will minimize the icon).
How to get it back? - jobs and than fg %n (n stands for job number).

How to avoid overflow lines

ESC-q - Rids the current paragraph of all overflow lines.
ESC-x autofill - Turns auto-fill on and off. On makes Emacs
automaticlly move words to the next line when they don't fit the current line. Default is off.

Repeating Commands

ESC-n command - Repeats the command n times.
ctrl-n command - Same as ESC-n.

Deleting Text

Point is where the cursor is.
BACKSPACE - Delete one character backwards from the point.
ctrl-d - Delete one character forward from the point.
ESC-BACKSPACE - Delete one word backwards from the point when space or punctuation mark defines the end of a word.
ESC-d - Deletes one word forward from the point.
ESC-0 ctrl-k - Deletes the line backward from the point.
ctrl-k - Deletes one line forward from the point.
ctrl-x BACKSPACE - Deletes backward to the begginning of the current sentence.
ESC-k - Deletes forward to the end of the current sentence.

Cutting, Pasting, Undoing, Killing & Yanking

ctrl-y - Retrieve the text that was most recently deleted.
Emacs "remember" 16 deletions, so how can you undo not the previous deletion only?
ctrl-y esc-y - Retrives the next to the last deleted text. Repeating ESC-y moves backwards through the list of deletions until you find the deleted
text that you need.
ctrl-spacebar - Marks the beginning of a region. Known also as "Mark Point".
ctrl-x ctrl-x - Exchange locations of the point and mark. Pressing it again will undo the change.
ctrl-w - cuts the marked area.
ESC-w - Copy the marked area.
ESC-= - Number of lines in the area you marked.

Search & Replace

Emacs advances as you type each character but if you press ENTER before the commands and hit ENTER when you finish typing Emacs will wait for you to complete the searched text and only than it will search it in the text.
ctrl-s text - Search forward for text. To go to the next occurence ctrl-s again. Want to end the search? - ESC, and the cursor will remain in the
last occurence found, or you can press ctrl-g and the cursor will move back to the starting point.
ctrl-r text - Reverse searches backward for text. Previous occurrence ctrl-r again. ESC to end the search. ctrl-g to get the cursor back to the
starting point.

Replacing text:
ESC% oldtext ENTER newtext ENTER - Moves to the first occurence of oldtext,
asks for instructions, and replaces oldtext with newtext, based on your response. Their
are possible responces:

! - Replaces all occurence of oldtext
SPACEBAR - Replaces only the current occurence of oldtext. BACKSPACE - Does not replace the
current occurence of oldtext but continues the replacment session.
ESC - Ends the replacment session.

Editing and Viewing multiple buffers

ctrl-x ctrl-f file ENTER - Creates a new buffer and puts file into it. If you were editing another file, it will remain available for editing in the
old buffer until you kill the buffer or terminate the editing session.
ctrl-x ctrl-x file ENTER - Places file into the current buffer, replacing the current file. If the file was not saved
you will be asked to do so or to kill it.
ctrl-x bbuffername ENTER - Makes buffername the current buffer.
ctrl-x kbuffername ENTER - Kills buffername.
ctrl-x 2 - Devides the current window in two horizontally.
ctrl-x o - Moves the cursor to the other window.
ctrl-x 1 - Returnes the screen to a single window.
ctrl-x 0 - (zero) closes the current window. File remains in the buffer but it is not displayed.
ctrl-x 5 - Divides the window into two vertically.
esc ctrl-x - Scrolls the other window forward.
ctrl-x ctrl-b - Displays a list of all buffers.

Transposing Text

ctrl-t - Transposes characters around the point.
ESC-t - Transposes the words around the point.
ctrl-x ctrl-t - Transposes the lines and above the cursor.
ESC-c - Capitalizes the first character after the point and makes the rest of the word lower case.
ESC-u - Converts the word following the point to upper case characters.
ESC-l - Converts the word following the point to lower case characters.
ctrl-x ctrl-u - Converts the region you marked to uppercase.
ctrl-x ctrl-l - Converts the region you marked to lowercase.

Including files

ctrl-x ifile ENTER - Insert an entire file into the current one starting the point your cursor is in.
ESC-x insert-file ENTER file ENTER - Same as above.


ctrl-x ) - closes the macro.
ctrl-x e - Runs the macro that you have just defined.
ESC-x name-last-kbd-macro ENTER macro ENTER - Prompts you for a name to give the last macro that you defined.
ESC x macro ENTER - Runs the macro named macro.
ESC-x insert-kbd-macro ENTER - Inserts the most recent macro definition into a file ar the point.

Getting help

ctrl-h - Starts Emacs internal help.

? - List of available single character commands. If you need a description press ctrl-h again.
atopic - Displays a list of commands containning the names topic in their description.
i - Places you in the info system.
k command - Displays the function of named ctrl or ESC command.
m - List the available commands for the current mode.
t - Runs a tutorials for new users.